Can minors receive vaccinations in Maine without parental consent?

Minors in Maine currently cannot consent to vaccinations. Call your county health department and let them know about your situation.

We recommend our guide to convincing vaccine-hesitant parents and sharing personal stories of teens getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Contact us if you need help. We respect your privacy.

How to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Maine?

Parental consent for minors can be acquired two ways:

Option 1: The first option for consent is by phone with a witness listening on the phone line as arranged by the vaccination site. Telephone registration staff can write “verbal consent obtained” on the guardian/parent signature line followed by their signature. And a witness can write “witnessed personally” followed by their signature. 

Option 2: The second option is to provide consent on paper or electronically. Each vaccination site has a consent form. Such consent forms can be mailed in advance to vaccination sites, emailed to vaccination sites, or brought to sites at the time of registration.

Call 877-780-7545 to make an appointment. We can help if needed.

Or, you can schedule it online at

Find your county health department address and phone number

Got questions on the COVID-19 vaccine? Need to convince parents?

Q & A with doctors on why the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for teens

Our guide to convincing vaccine-hesitant parents

Personal stories of teens getting the COVID-19 vaccine

Contact us if you need help. We respect your privacy.

Are you caught-up on your routine vaccinations?

Vaccinations every teen must know about - Tdap, HPV, Men-ACWY, Men-B, and Flu


**Legal Disclaimer: Information provided on this page is for educational purposes only. Medical and/or legal decisions must be made only in consultation with a professional.