Can minors receive vaccinations in South Carolina without parental consent?

Yes. Minors in South Carolina, ages 16 years and above can consent to all vaccinations (SC Code § 63-5-340).

There is also another law (SC Code § 63-5-350) which may allow minors younger than 16 years to get a vaccine if a physician believes it is essential to the health or life of the minor.  The law states: "Health services of any kind may be rendered to minors of any age without the consent of a parent or legal guardian when, in the judgment of a person authorized by law to render a particular health service, such services are deemed necessary unless such involves an operation which shall be performed only if such is essential to the health or life of such child in the opinion of the performing physician and a consultant physician if one is available."

Call your county health department and let them know about your situation.

As always, we recommend our guide to convincing vaccine-hesitant parents and sharing personal stories of teens getting vaccinations.

Contact us if you need help. We respect your privacy.

How to get the COVID-19 vaccine in South Carolina?

Call 1-866-365-8110, or go online at We can help you if needed.

FAQ from South Carolina State Health Department

Also, good to have your county health department address and phone number

Got questions on the COVID-19 vaccine? Need to convince parents?

Q & A with doctors on why the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for teens

Our guide to convincing vaccine-hesitant parents

Personal stories of teens getting the COVID-19 vaccine

Contact us if you need help. We respect your privacy.

Are you caught-up on your routine vaccinations?

Vaccinations every teen must know about - Tdap, HPV, Men-ACWY, Men-B, and Flu


**Legal Disclaimer: Information provided on this page is for educational purposes only. Medical and/or legal decisions must be made only in consultation with a professional.